Aukje Hopmans, ©UU, photo: Dick Boetekees
14 sep 2023
The board of the Utrecht University Fund has decided to award the RechtOpLeren Fond (ROLF) to Karin Geuijen and Kinan Alajak from the English Academy for Newcomers (EAN).
The ROLF will enable EAN to make over € 12,000 available so that asylum seekers can benefit from a reduced admission fee during the academic year 2023-2024.
About the RechtOpLeren Fond (ROLF)
The RechtOpLeren Fonds (ROLF) aims to promote the inclusiveness of Utrecht University and the city/region. Founded by prof. dr. Bert van der Zwaan and dr. Wilma Wessels, the ROLF supports initiatives and projects aimed at helping refugees and other disadvantaged people develop their talents to the full, either by promoting higher education promotion or enabling access to the Dutch university system in relation to Utrecht University.
Read more about the ROLF at https://www.uu.nl/organisatie/doneren/rechtopleren-fonds